Photo: Lizzie Luh

In 2022, I underwent a profound transformation through a major life event— a divorce. I turned the pain into my medicine, evolving into the woman I am today.

Before the divorce, I was numb and lost, disconnected from myself.

Little did I know at that time that my divorce held profound wisdom that would ultimately set me free. As everything that no longer served me died, I had to show up as Her.

I could no longer ignore my heart’s calling. I had to do those things I always yearned to do: set boundaries, step out of my comfort zone, and choose Her over and over again, no matter what.

I began to unveil who I really was underneath the layers of wounding, limiting beliefs, self-doubt, and conditioning, claiming my space and true expression— using tools that I now teach other women.

I had always longed for something more, but I didn't know what or who until now.

Reflecting on the girl I once was, who hid in relationships, beneath layers of clothes, and used unhealthy coping mechanisms, I wouldn't change a damn thing about the journey.