As women, we are told we can't have it all. We're told to choose between building a family, finding love, creating a career, and attracting wealth.

So we settle… with the work that drains us, with the partner who doesn’t deserve us, with the amount of money in our account, with the friend circle that doesn’t put in the same effort as we do.

 But guess what? That’s total BS!

You will have it all when you graduate as That Bitch!

Here’s a little secret that’s been kept from women: your ability to attract.

Women are naturally magnetic. If we want a conscious and safe partner, we’re getting that. If we crave material abundance to travel the world, we’re getting that. Easily.

Sounds simple, right?

Well, it should be, but we've been programmed for generations, so this gift is buried deep within us, making it hard to access.

This is where I come in!

On my own journey, I discovered that I serve as a karmic mirror and leader. My purpose is to help others resolve their karma, break free from generational curses, and live a life filled with desire, abundance, and pleasure.

During our 12 weeks together, I will pinpoint your karma and blockages, and together, we'll free you from them.

You will work alongside other devoted women every week:

  • Weekly Zoom calls for deep dives and mentoring.

  • Check-ins to ensure you're on track and supported.

  • Online modules that are designed to empower and educate you.

  • An active Facebook group to connect with like-minded sisters.

That Bitch Academy is a perfect match for you if you desire to… 

𓂀 Become a sexually liberated woman with a capital W!

𓂀 Embrace your dark and wild nature!

𓂀 Shed any shame that is holding you back from expressing your sensuality!

𓂀 Become magnetic and confident AF !

𓂀 Break generational curses with other brave women!

𓂀 Begin claiming the life you desire!

You will have my fullest and most devoted attention as a mentor. Your liberation is my number one priority. 

I truly believe every woman deserves the life they desire, and therefore, I’m looking for 20 women who are ready to transform from being an insecure girl to a bold and fierce woman. 

Are you the one I’m searching for? Let’s connect and find out!

Tell me: What is holding you back from living a juicy life filled with glimmers and spark?

12 weeks (3 months) for $1200

Value: $2500

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